The ONLY trademark designed by lawyers for INFLUENCERS

InfluencerTRADEMARK exclusively offers trademarks for INFLUENCERS

Nothing else and no one else, ONLY influencers.

InfluencerTRADEMARK exclusively trademarks influencers.

Being an influencer is a fairly new career; you need innovative advisors on your side to ensure brand protection at all cost. After all your brand is your business. With the advancement of technology and social media more and more people identify as an influencer. A recent study revealed 80% of GenZ and GenAlpha want to become influencers when they grow up.

Being an influencer is an extremely complex and rewarding career. Many influencers love content creation but shy away from the business side of being an influencer. As a result many influencers have lost the right to their own birth name, business, Instagram, podcast, Twitter, Facebook and more! OMG. All because they failed to properly trademark their image, likeness, identity and humanity as an influencer.

Can you imagine being told to hand over your instagram account. We can’t either. But it happens every day. Just ask Hayley Paige….and countless other influencers.

We help you establish legal ownership of your influence with InfluencerTRADEMARK.

Payment Plans available.